banana cake home made Make your own homemade banana cake and share with me! Easy Banana Cake Sprinkled with Almond Slices (Source: © These cakes are so moist and flavorful. My favorite is Mom's banana walnut cake with its tangy lemon icing!

Bahan Membuat banana cake home made

  1. You need 410 gr of tepung segitiga biru.
  2. Prepare 5 butir of telur ayam.
  3. Prepare 250 gr of gula pasir.
  4. You need 250 gr of margarin.
  5. It's 5 buah of pisang nangka dihaluskan.
  6. Prepare 1 buah of pisang nangka utk topping.
  7. It's 1 sdt of baking soda.
  8. It's 1 sdt of vanili bubuk.

Langkah Memasak banana cake home made

  1. Mixer gula dan margarin sampai tercampur rata.
  2. Masukkan telur, lalu mixer sampai mengembang.
  3. Masukkan tepung sedikit sedikit,,lalu masukan baking soda.
  4. Setelah tercampur rata masukkan pisang yg sudah dihaluskan dan vanili, aduk rata dgn kecepatan rendah.
  5. Masukkan loyang dan beri topping diatasnya dgn pisang yg dipotong tipis.
  6. Oven sampai mateng.
  7. Setelah mateng dinginkan dan siap dihidangkan.

It's great for using up overripe bananas This easy banana loaf cake is a tasty way of using up overripe bananas and makes an indulgent treat. Enjoy a slice with your afternoon cup of tea. Banana cake is one of those things that brings a smile to your lips and happiness to your heart. It's delicious and relatively easy to make. This cake has many variants and it is a great way to use up those.

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