The cake has super banana flavor paired with a sweet and tangy cream cheese frosting.
They're so easy to make and are perfect for large gatherings.
Banana cake, aka banana bread, is one of the easiest cakes to make.
Bahan Membuat Banana Cake simple sehat
- It's 5 buah of pisang raja matang, haluskan pakai garpu.
- Prepare 2 butir of telur.
- Prepare 100 gr of blueband, lelehkan.
- You need 50 gr of gula putih, haluskan.
- It's 50 gr of terigu segitiga.
- It's 50 gr of tepung mocaf ladang lima.
- It's 1 sdt of essens vanilla.
- It's 1 sdt of essens susu.
- It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
- It's 1/2 sdt of soda kue.
- Prepare of glassier.
- Prepare 2 sdm of gula putih haluskan.
- You need 1/4 bagian of (dr 1 buah) air jeruk nipis.
Langkah Memasak Banana Cake simple sehat
- Haluskan pisang, lelehkan blueband, siapkan loyang tulban oles tipis blueband, panaskan oven 180 delcel.
- Kocok telur dan gula pakai whisker, tercampur rata, masukkan pisang yg sdh dihaluskan, masukkan essens susu, aduk rata.
- Tambahkan terigu, mocaf, bp dan sodakue, aduk rata, tuang k loyang tulban, panggang d oven 180 delcel 30menit sambil cek matang.
- Setelah matang, keluarkan, dinginkan, buat glassier nya,.
- Aduk pakai whisk gula dan jeruk nipis, tuang k atas cake, potong2 sajikan, yammiii😋😋.
- Wangi gurih nya tetap d nikmati walau ga pake susu, cake nya lembab ga bnyk tepung, glassier nya seminim mungkin🙄😄.
The Skinny on Simple Banana Bundt Cake. I made a few changes to the original recipe to lighten it up and make it a little more Weight Watchers. The banana cake is the BEST I've ever tasted. There is no walnuts in the recipe, making it healthy and lower in calories. It's also purest in its taste.
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