This Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Cake is amazingly moist, fragrant and fruity and covered in a rich "cream cheese" frosting!
It tastes like an indulgent version of banana bread, is perfectly sweet, filled with juicy raisins (or chocolate chips!) and subtly spiced.
It's also refined sugar free and comes.
Bahan Membuat Gluten free (less worry) Banana Cake
- Prepare of bahan:.
- It's 3 buah of pisang Uli.
- It's 10 sdt of tepung GFF.
- You need 2 sdt of tepung roller oat.
- It's 3 sdt of palm sugar.
- It's 2 sdm of olive oil.
- It's of pinch of salt & soda kue.
Langkah Memasak Gluten free (less worry) Banana Cake
- GFF gampang banget asalkan perbandingannya 7 : 2 : 1 (7 bagian tepung beras : 2 tepung aci / sagu / tapioka : 1 bagian tepung jagung / maizena --- aku pakai tepung kentang) aduk rasa terus siap digunakan tepung iniππ.
- Lumatkan pisang dengan garpu. sisihkan.
- Campurkan Pisang dengan sisa bahan lainnya,. masukan ke loyang (aku pakai lock n lock).
- Kukus 45 menit atau sampai matang.
A tried and tested recipe for gluten free banana cake, a perfect way to make use of those brown bananas. You can bake this cake as one loaf, or try baking th. Keyword: Cream Cheese, Gluten Free, High Protein, Refined Sugar Free. A large slice of sweet and delicious Banana I want to make this for my son's birthday but with some adjustments. Is it possible to use less bananas?
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