This is a quick and easy sugar free gluten free banana and coconut cake to make and a good standby recipe to have on hand.
I have served mine with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt, a sprinkling of coconut and some raspberries on the side.
Bahan Membuat BANANA COCONUT MILK CAKE ( Gluten free)
- You need 2-4 buah of pisang tanduk mateng sekali, lumatkan dgn garpu.
- Prepare 200 gram of tepung ladang lima.
- It's 150 gram of palm sugar.
- It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
- You need 1-2 sdt of baking soda.
- You need 100 ml of santan.
- It's 100 ml of mentega cair.
- You need 2 butir of telur, kocok lepas.
Langkah Memasak BANANA COCONUT MILK CAKE ( Gluten free)
- lumatkan pisang dengan garpu, kocok lepas telur, masukkan telur dan santannya..
- masukkan gula palem, tepung, dan baking.sodanya, serta margarin cair, aduk asal merata dgn spatula saja.
- oles tipis loyang tulban 18-20 cm diameternya. lalu beri seeikit tepung, masukkan adonan kedalam loyang, beri potongan pisang. panggang di oven 160'c selama 35-45 menit.
- setelah dingin, potong- potong. sajikan dengan teh, susu, atau kopi.
The texture is moist but not mushy and for a gluten-free cake, its got a nice crumb to it. Coconut flour is like a sponge, so it's a good way to achieve the dry batter that seems to work best in a gluten-free cake. How To Make Healthy Coconut Banana Cookies. Mix wet ingredients, and dry ingredients. Mix to a smooth consistency and top the delicious banana cake!!
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