In this video I would show you how I made Gluten Free Banana Cupcakes. Banana cupcake made with regular flour. Enjoy these basic, light, and moist gluten-free banana cupcakes, perfect for any occasion and ready to be decorated with your favorite frosting.
Bahan Membuat Banana cupcake gluten free
- It's 100 gr of tepung gluten free ladang lima.
- It's 3 buah of pisang ambon.
- It's 60 gr of gula aren/gula kelapa.
- It's 2.5 gr of baking powder.
- You need 60 ml of minyak kelapa.
- You need 2 butir of telur.
- It's of Chocochips.
Langkah Memasak Banana cupcake gluten free
- Lumatkan pisang. Sisihkan.
- Siapkan cup utk cupcake alasi dg paper baking. Sisihkan.
- Kocok lepas telur. Tambahkan gula. Aduk sampe tercampur lalu masukkan tepung dan baking powder dengan cara diayak. Aduk dengan wisk.
- Masukkan pisang, aduk-aduk hingga tekstur merata. Stelah itu tambahkan minyak kelapa. Aduk aduk dg spatula. Tambahkan chocochips.
- Tuang adonan ke masing-masing cupcake dg isian 2/3 saja. Jangan sampai penuh..
- Panggang dg suhu 180°C dg api atas bawah selama 30 menit. Stelah matang keluarkan dari oven. Banana cupcake gluten free siap menemani suami WfH dan anak play at home. ❤.
These healthy Banana Cupcakes are light, fluffy, sweet, and comforting. They're frosted with the creamiest and richest Peanut Butter Frosting you could dream of too. These Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Cupcakes are super moist, sweet and fragrant, and topped with a tangy "cream cheese" frosting! How long do these Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Cupcakes keep for? Although these cupcakes do taste best when fresh, they keep well covered in the fridge for up to a.
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