Chocolate Chip Banana Loaf Cake (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Refined Sugar-Free) In my quest for the perfect banana bread, this time I set out to do something a little different.
I wanted to create a banana bread with a bakery style, cakey texture that makes you feel like you were eating something a lot more decadent than just a slice of banana bread.
Combine the oat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg; gradually beat into banana mixture until blended.
Bahan Membuat Banana Chocochips Cake (glutenfree)
- Prepare 100 gr of Pisang ambon (me : 200 gr pisang Kepok).
- It's 4 butir of putih telor.
- You need 4 butir of kuning telor.
- You need 225 gr of tepung terigu (me : 200 tepung PISANG).
- You need 200 gr of margarin.
- You need 50 gr of gula pasir.
- It's 50 gr of gula palm (me : 100 gr gula palm).
- You need 50 gr of chocochips.
- It's 1 sdt of BP (me : skip).
- It's 1/4 sdt of cream of tartar (me : 1 sdt jeruk nipis).
- You need 50 gr of gula pasir (me : skip).
Langkah Memasak Banana Chocochips Cake (glutenfree)
- Siapkan bahan2nya.
- Mixer putih telor dan jeruk nipis hingga kaku sisihkan.
- Mixer gula palem dan mentega hingga megembang lalu masukkan pisang yang sudah dihaluskan.
- Masukkan kuning telor satu persatu.
- Tambahkan tepung pisang lalu masukkan putih telor dengan spatula dan tambahkan chocochips.
- Masukkan ke dalam loyang yang sudah dialasi dengan kertas roti lalu dioven di suhu 1y0 'C selama 45 menit.
- Banana cake siap dihidangkan.
Enjoy these basic, light, and moist gluten-free banana cupcakes, perfect for any occasion and ready to be decorated with your favorite frosting.. Beat butter and muscovado sugar in a large bowl with a handheld. Adding this lemon cream cheese icing makes this Gluten Free Banana Cake perfect - 'it is the icing on the cake' 😉.especially topped with freshly sliced banana! You might be surprised how light and springy this cake is, considering it's free of gluten, eggs, and dairy. The reason this recipe yields such a light cake is due to the bananas.
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