Wheat Bran Banana Cake (gluten free, dairy free) Tender and moist gluten free banana cake that's made easily in one bowl with a rice flour blend, and a sweet cream cheese frosting. This banana cake is softer and more tender than my recipe for the perfect one bowl gluten free banana bread (a recipe I've been making in one form or another for over. Gluten Free Banana Cake - With Lighter Option!

Bahan Membuat Wheat Bran Banana Cake (gluten free, dairy free)

  1. Prepare 2 buah of pisang ambon.
  2. It's 2 butir of telur.
  3. It's 2 cup of wheat bran.
  4. Prepare 1/2 cup of tepung irut/arrowroot flour.
  5. It's 1/2 sdt of soda kue.
  6. You need 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
  7. You need 5 sdm of gula semut/gula palem.
  8. You need 1/2 sdt of bubuk kayu manis.
  9. It's of Wijen/almond cincang/kacang cincang untuk taburan.

Langkah Memasak Wheat Bran Banana Cake (gluten free, dairy free)

  1. Kocok telur, gula semut, baking powder, soda kue, dan bubuk kayu manis dengan garpu atau kocokan tangan sampai sedikit berbuih..
  2. Masukkan wheat bran, aduk rata. Diamkan selama 5 menit sampai adonan agak mengembang..
  3. Sementara itu, kupas pisang dan haluskan dengan garpu. Tambahkan tepung irut, aduk rata..
  4. Masukkan adonan pisang ke adonan wheat bran, aduk sampai tercampur rata..
  5. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang telah diolesi minyak (saya memakai minyak kelapa). Taburi dengan bahan taburan..
  6. Panggang selama 30 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat..
  7. Siap disajikan..

It tastes like an indulgent version of banana bread, is perfectly sweet, filled with juicy raisins (or chocolate chips!) and subtly spiced. It's also refined sugar free and comes. Gluten Free Banana Cake is super moist and tender. It's delicious on its own, but the cream cheese frosting takes it to another level! Gluten-Free Cinnamon Roll Cake that is easy, uses minimal ingredients, and takes the labor intensive steps of rolling and kneading away.

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