Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until *just* combined.
Doing so will over-develop the gluten in the.
These healthy banana muffins are fluffy and irresistible, yet made with wholesome ingredients.
Bahan Membuat Banana Cake with Whole Wheat Flour (gluten free)
- You need 1 buah of pisang Ambon/pisang cavendish (sekitar 200 gram).
- Prepare 1 butir of telur.
- Prepare 80 gram of gula palem.
- Prepare 150 gram of whole wheat flour.
- Prepare 1 sdt of baking powder.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
- Prepare 1 sdt of kayu manis bubuk.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
- It's 1 jumput of garam.
- You need 100 ml of minyak kelapa/minyak zaitun.
- Prepare of Wijen.
- You need of Chocochip.
Langkah Memasak Banana Cake with Whole Wheat Flour (gluten free)
- Haluskan pisang dengan garpu. Masukkan telur, aduk rata. Masukkan gula palem, aduk kembali..
- Di wadah lain, campur rata whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, kayu manis, vanili, dan garam..
- Masukkan adonan kering ke adonan basah. Aduk sampai merata..
- Masukkan minyak, aduk rata. Terakhir masukkan chocochip dan aduk lagi. Kalau adonan terlalu kental, bisa ditambahi sedikit air..
- Tuang dalam loyang yang telah diolesi minyak. Taburi dengan wijen..
- Panggang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya selama 40 menit dengan suhu 170 derajat celsius..
- Potong-potong dan sajikan setelah matang dan dingin..
With each of the following batches I made adjustments and additions to create these super fluffy. Delightfully moist and tender whole wheat banana cake is topped with creamy greek yogurt chocolate frosting - so decadent you'll never guess it's Nor do I mean sugar-free, gluten-free, or paleo. What I mean is for cake - which this is (yay!) - it's on the healthier side. It's made with all whole wheat flour. Whole Grain Banana Cake Ingredients. whole wheat white flour. bananas.
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