Crispy Pata or crispy pork leg is a popular Filipino pork dish. This dish can be eaten as a main dish or as a pulutan. It goes well with spicy vinegar.
Bahan Membuat Purple Crispy
- Prepare 4 bh of terong ungu.
- You need 1 bks of tepung bumbu golden crispy sajiku.
- Prepare sejumput of Garam.
- Prepare secukupnya of Air.
- You need secukupnya of Minyak goreng.
- It's sesuai selera of Saus.
Langkah Memasak Purple Crispy
- Cuci bersih terong. Lalu potong membulat atau setengah bulat. Sesuai selera asal tipis..
- Siapkan adonan basah dan kering. Untuk basah cukp 1 sdm tepung sajiku golden crispy dan 2 sdm air matang. Untuk kering cukup tepung bumbu sajiku golden crispy (sisa adonan basah saya pakai semua) ditambah sejumput garam. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan terong yg sudah dipotong ke adonan basah, laly ke adonan kering. Kocok sampai tepung menempel sempurna..
- Panaskan minyak. Goreng terong satu persatu sampai terendam minyak. Jika sudah berubah warna kuning keemasan, angkat lalu tiriskan. Siap disajikan dengan saus sambal atau saus tomat..
Find the best free stock images about purple background. Delicious and healthy crispy paneer cheese balls made in a air fryer. The balls turns out super crunchy and crispy without the use of oil. I have this rule, and maybe you do too: I will only eat a french fry if it is really worth it. Lackluster taters from the drive-thru window are not worth my time.
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