Octopus Fried Rice! The congee we got was The Junk Boat. The congee we got was The Junk Boat. Blanca teaches The Recipe Hunters a delicious recipe for Arroz con Pulpo or rice and octopus.

Bahan Membuat Octopus Fried Rice!

  1. You need 100 gr of octopus.
  2. You need 1 buah of wortel.
  3. Prepare 3 centong nasi of semalem.
  4. You need 5 batang of sawi.
  5. You need 2 buah of sosis.
  6. It's of minyak goreng untuk menumis.
  7. You need of Bumbu.
  8. It's 1/4 of bawang bombay (ukuran kecil).
  9. It's 1 siung of bawang merah.
  10. Prepare 2 siung of bawang putih.
  11. It's 2 sdm of kecap asin.
  12. You need 3 sdm of kecap manis.
  13. You need 1 sdm of kecap ikan.
  14. It's 1 sdm of kecap inggris.
  15. Prepare secukupnya of garam.

Langkah Memasak Octopus Fried Rice!

  1. Siapkan bahan (iris-iris) semua bahan.
  2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bawang putih (dulu) lalu masukkan bawang bombay dan merah hingga harum. Tambahkan octopus. Lalu tambahkan sosis dan wortel. Aduk hingga wortel layu..
  3. Masukkan nasi. Tambahkan kecap manis, kecap asin, kecap inggris, kecap ikan. Aduk hingga rata. Terakhir masukkan sawi aduk rata dan tes rasa.
  4. Sajikan :).

Stir and toss well to heat through and to. Transfer octopus into braising liquid, turning to coat with the liquid. I love it grilled, in a salad or in tomato sauce. For many, cooking octopus may seem daunting - but I assure you, it couldn't be easier. Serve this dish with hand-cut french fries or with rice.

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