Garlic Bread Chili Oil Turns out, garlic brings the chili oil to the next level. Sure you can buy chili garlic oil too, but we much prefer the homemade kind. That way you can leave in the delicious bits of garlic and chili flakes, so that a spoonful of sauce is so much more than straight up oil.

Bahan Membuat Garlic Bread Chili Oil

  1. It's 3 potong of roti tawar.
  2. It's 1 sdt of baceman bawang putih.
  3. You need 2 sdt of Chili oil.
  4. You need Sedikit of garam.
  5. Prepare 1 sdt of margarin.

Langkah Memasak Garlic Bread Chili Oil

  1. Campur chili oil, baceman bawang dan sedikit garam. Aduk rata, cek rasa. Sebaiknya komposisi baceman & Chili oil disesuaikan selera ya, karena baceman ini aroma & rasanya cukup strong..
  2. Siapkan roti, oles dengan racikan tadi. Ratakan. Olesi teflon dengan margarin, panggang masing2 sisi selama 3-5 menit atau tingkat kematangan yg diinginkan. Sajikan. Happy Cooking ❤❤.

Stuff each roll with chili using a teaspoon. Try to really fill them up. Coat each stuffed roll with a generous helping of garlic butter. This bread dipping oil is the best concoction of herbs, garlic, and of course, rich, flavorful olive oil. It makes a lot, but it stores well in the fridge for about a week.

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