Chia Puding Toping Buah This coconut chia pudding recipe starts with some chia seeds and unsweetened shredded coconut and then gets mixed together with some light coconut milk When assembling a cup of chia pudding, layer the chia pudding with fruit and some granola, flaked coconut or nuts on top for a bit of crunch! Anyhoo, I almost never order chia pudding in a restaurant due to this aforementioned policy, but every now and then a pud will catch my eye due to some fancy topping or flavour combination and I'll give it a try. Generally, though, I prefer my go-to super simple chia pudding recipe as the base, and then I can.

Bahan Membuat Chia Puding Toping Buah

  1. Prepare 150 ml of susu cair(me Frisian flag rendah lemak).
  2. Prepare 2 sdm of chiaseed/biji selasih.
  3. It's 2 sdt of madu kalo suka(me di skip).
  4. Prepare of Toping buah segar/sesuai selera 😉.

Langkah Memasak Chia Puding Toping Buah

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahannya 👇🏻chiaseed bisa diganti selasih ya😉susu cair terserah pakai rasa/merk apa,saya pakai Frisian flag rendah lemak yang rasa French vanilla👇🏻.
  2. Tuang 2 sdm chiaseed/selasih,tuang susu👇🏻kalo mau ditambah madu juga bisa ya😉.
  3. Simpan dikulkas semalaman,saya buat malam taro di kulkas besok siang baru disantap🤭.
  4. Beri toping buah segar sesuai selera ya😉asli enak bangettt 😍saya gak pake madu ya,diet anti ribet ini namanya 😋malam buat pagi santap untuk sarapan😁.

Chia pudding also makes a wonderful meal to go. Simply store in a sealable jar and take it with you. I'm never hungry first thing in the morning, so packing the mixture in a jar is a great option to bring it on the go and eat. Pictured recipe: Mango Coconut Chia Pudding. After soaking, chia seeds make a pudding with a dynamic creamy texture.

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