Lihat juga resep Fruity silky pudding enak lainnya. Chia seed pudding is an easy and healthy breakfast. If you're anything like me, there will be times when you're too tired to think about breakfast the night The most important part of making chia seed is getting the chia seed to milk ratio correct.
Bahan Membuat Puding Sutra Topping Mangga dan Chia Seed (Less Sugar)
- You need 1 bungkus of agar-agar.
- You need 5 cup of air (1,2 Liter).
- You need 4 sdm of SKM biasa (klo suka manis monggoo ditambah).
- You need 1 sdm of SKM Tropicana Slim.
- You need 1 of mangga, potong2.
- You need 1 sdt of vanilla.
- Prepare Buah of kalengan (saya skip).
- Prepare of Nata de coco (saya skip).
- It's of Air sirup atau Nutrisari.
- Prepare 2 sdm of Chia seed.
Langkah Memasak Puding Sutra Topping Mangga dan Chia Seed (Less Sugar)
- Rendam chia seed dalam susu cair, masukkan kulkas dan biarkan hingga mengembang..
- Campur agar2, air, SKM, dan vanilla, panaskan hingga mendidih lalu matikan kompor..
- Masukkan larutan agar2 ke dalam wadah, tunggu hingga set.
- Potong2 mangga, lalu masukkan ke dalam agar2 yang sudah padat..
- Siram dengan cairan sirup atau nutrisari, dinginkan kembali dalam kulkas..
Japan OEM ODM Satiety Less Sugar Mango Chia Seed Drink. Registered Formula ( Custom Formula Also Available ). Blending takes it over the top. Plus, those little seeds don't carry much of their own flavor, and one of the only other ingredients was soy milk — a recipe for blandness. Chia seeds have a gelling quality that helps them make puddings, but some find the texture — and even the appearance.
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