Simple Sushi Roll & Miso Soup This is my first movie on youtube. I like the sweetness of Jasmine. Mix rice wine vinegar Into rice and set aside to cool.

Bahan Membuat Simple Sushi Roll & Miso Soup

  1. It's of Sushi Roll.
  2. Prepare of Beras Jepang atau bisa pakai beras biasa yang dikasih sedikit beras ketan.
  3. You need of Nori & cuka sushi.
  4. Prepare of Timun Jepang, telor gulung, alpukat, wortel.
  5. It's of Miso Soup.
  6. You need of Kaldu daging.
  7. You need of Tauge.
  8. It's of Tahu.
  9. Prepare of Pasta Miso.
  10. It's secukupnya of Lada & garam.

Langkah Memasak Simple Sushi Roll & Miso Soup

  1. Masak nasi hingga matang, kemudian tuangkan cuka sushi secukupnya..
  2. Siapkan tikar yang khusus untuk menggulung sushi, taruh nori, kemudian ratakan nasi, kemudian taruh isianya, kemudian roll sambil ditekan-tekan agar gulunganya rata. Sajikan dengan acar jahe & soy sauce..
  3. Untuk membuat miso soup, didihkan kaldu daging sapi, kemudian masukkan pasta miso, tauge, tahu, lada & garam secukupnya. Sajikan selagi panas.

During my early days of training to become a sushi chef, this recipe was key to developing my fundamental rolling technique. Sushi is a beloved Japanese dish that's eaten all over the world. If you'd like to try making this healthy food, you first need Ingredients. A simple five-step process is all it takes. Use a Suzumo robot and the sushi rolls will retain their shape.

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