Miso Salmon Soup It gives a deep and superb flavor to this zesty broth. This soup is a nutrition powerhouse! Best of all, miso soups tend to be low in calories, while still providing a ton of nutrients.

Bahan Membuat Miso Salmon Soup

  1. It's of Bahan - bahan.
  2. You need 1 slice of ikan salmon.
  3. You need 700 ml of Dashi broth.
  4. It's 1 ruas of jahe emprit.
  5. Prepare 3 lembar of daun jeruk kupas tulang.
  6. Prepare 1 sdt of miso paste.
  7. It's of mushrooms secukupnya (sy biasa pakai enoki,jamur kuping,shimeji).
  8. You need of pok coy/sawi hijau/sawi hijau.

Langkah Memasak Miso Salmon Soup

  1. Geprek jahe dan lepaskan daun jeruk dr tulangnya.
  2. Rebus kaldu dashi. Begitu hampir mendidih,masukan daun jeruk dan jahe,kecilkan api. Tunggu hingga hampir mendidih,lalu masukan miso paste dengan menggunakan saringan supaya hasil kuahnya halus..
  3. Setelah mendidih,masukan ikan dengan bagian kulit di bawah. Tutup panci wok/wajan. Tunggu hingga meresap krg lebih 8 menit..
  4. Angkat ikan dan tiriskan dalam wadah..
  5. Masukan jamur dan tangkai sayur. Tunggu hingga tangkai sayur sedikit lunak. Terakhir masukan sisa sayur. Matikan api..
  6. Suwir salmon dan letakan di mangkok saji. Tuang sayur,jamur dan kuah kaldu ke dalam mangkok. Miso salmon soup siap dinikmati..
  7. Selamat mencoba!!.

Everything about it was wonderful; from the flavorful and rich tasting soup, the silky tofu pieces to the creamy and smooth salmon belly. The tantalizing waft hinting of deliciousness coming from the hot soup was simply irresistible. Salmon is something we cook all the time - but this soup brings in new flavours and techniques and will reinvigorate you as a cook. Add the onions, garlic, chopped bell peppers and cook tossing regularly for a few minutes. Look for everything to soften and release a beautiful fragrance.

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