Miso sop salmon simple Best of all, miso soups tend to be low in calories, while still providing a ton of nutrients. Tonight made miso soup with the broth, wakame seaweed, green onions, a chopped mustard green leaf, some of the salmon meat, a couple of diced small shishito peppers and for a totally unique touch, a tablespoon of peanuts and a piece of bacon chopped up and crisped in the microwave. Detached the Bok choy leaves from the stems.

Bahan Membuat Miso sop salmon simple

  1. It's 125 gr of Salmon.
  2. Prepare 1/2 lembar of Rumput laut kering.
  3. You need 1/2 buah of Tahu jepang.
  4. It's 1 lembar of Daun bawang.
  5. Prepare 30 gr of Miso paste.
  6. You need 1/2 panci of Air.
  7. It's of Kaldu jamur secukupnyaa.
  8. Prepare 1 ruas of Jahe cincang.
  9. You need 2 siung of Bawang putih cincang.

Langkah Memasak Miso sop salmon simple

  1. Rebus air mendidih,masukan salmon yg sudah dibersihkan,,.
  2. Goreng bawang putih cincang n jahe cincang smpe wangi masukan ke rebusan salmon.
  3. Ambil miso paste masukan ke mangkok,ambil s edikt air rebusan salmon aduk2,tuang ke sop salmon yg lgi di panci.
  4. Rendam lumput laut sebentar,dan smbil potong dadu tahu,,masukin ke dlm sop kasi kaldu secukupnyaa..
  5. Trakhr setalh mendidih masukin potongan daun bawang,,siap disajikan.

Miso Salmon is a great dish because you have many options in terms of what you can serve it with. The most popular way of serving Miso Salmon is with white rice. Cured in a simple three-ingredient marinade, Miso salmon is an easy, flavorful entre that strikes a sublime balance between savory and sweet. Because you can prepare it up to a few days in advance, it's perfect for a quick weeknight meal. Miso salmon is an amazing recipe where you can use just a little bit of miso and make your regular and everyday salmon into something absolutely delicious.

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