This was a warm and satisfying soup that paired perfectly with, "Japanese Deep Fried Shrimp," "Japanese Shrimp Sauce I. Miso soup (味噌汁, misoshiru) is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a dashi stock into which softened miso paste is mixed. In addition, there are many optional ingredients.
Bahan Membuat Miso Sup Ikan Gindara
- You need 150 gram of Ikan Gindara.
- You need 150 gram of Daun Sawi Putih.
- It's 50 gram of Jamur Shimeji.
- Prepare 2 sendok makan of Miso.
- You need 1 sendok teh of Bumbu penyedap.
Langkah Memasak Miso Sup Ikan Gindara
- Didihkan air sekitar 600 ml. Masukkan potongan ikan, daun sawi putih dan shimeji dengan api sedang. Buang buih yang mengambang diatas. Masak sekitar 5 menit.
- Matikan api, masukkan miso (lebih baik jika ada saringan kecil) dan larutkan secara perlahan. Bisa ditambah dengan bumbu penyedap atau tambahkan miso lebih banyak jika perlu. Angkat dan sajikan.
It is very simple to make miso soup. Chop vegetables, cook in dashi stock and mix miso paste into it. Many miso soup ingredients are vegetables. There are so many combinations you can make up and the possibilities are almost endless. My Korean miso soup recipe is quick and simple to make, In making this soup you will see how simplistic Korean food can be, one of the best korean recipes.
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