Miso Soup or Misoshiru (味噌汁) is a Japanese soup that can accompany a bowl of rice for any meal of the day, however, it's a staple of Japanese.
Miso soup doesn't take me too long to make.
There are so many vegetables you can add in miso soup such as shiitake mushroom, daikon, other mushrooms, leafy greens, etc.
Bahan Membuat Miso Soup Tahu
- It's 1/2 bh of Tahu,potong dadu.
- Prepare 1 sdm of Wakame kering, rendam air.
- You need 1 sdm of Miso paste.
- You need 1 sdt of Dashi.
- You need 500 cc of Air.
- Prepare 1 tangkai of Daun Bawang,iris.
Langkah Memasak Miso Soup Tahu
- Didihkan air,lalu masukkan tahu setelah mendidih masukkan dashi dan miso paste.
- Kecilkan api,sewaktu masukkan dashi di hancurin di centong atau saringan yah mom biar air tidak keruh bgt.
- Matikan api terakhir masukkan wakame. Sajikan lalu taburi daun bawang Happy Cooking Mom.
- Menurut teman saya yg mommy jepang, miso ini bisa pake sayur apa aja sesuai kreasi,mereka hampir tiap hari makan miso soup 😱😱 kalau anak saya biasa makan saya tambahin telur rebus..
Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people. They can have it anytime of a day. Depending on what kind of ingredients you put in your Miso Soup, it could be as simple as the one we made here or very. Barclay is a huge fan of all of the noodles and. Miso soup is one of the basic components of a Japanese meal.
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