Miso soup Miso soup is very popular in Japan and within the Pacific Region. It has also become a staple meal within the Japanese culture. Korean restaurants serve a similar, but different tasting, soup.

Bahan Membuat Miso soup

  1. You need 500 ml of air.
  2. It's 5 gr of dried wakame (rumput laut kering).
  3. It's 1 buah of tofu atau tahu Kafang ijo atau tahu sutera (bebas).
  4. It's 2 sendok makan of miso pasta.
  5. Prepare 1 sendok makan of Shoyu (bila suka).
  6. You need 1 batang of daun bawang iris.

Langkah Memasak Miso soup

  1. Didihkam air.
  2. Ambil sedikut air matang untuk mengumpulkan miso pasta.
  3. Masukkan wakame pada rebusan air Dan biarkan mengembang (air rebusan wakame jangan dibuang digunakan sebagai dashi wakame atau kaldu wakame).
  4. Masukkan tofu dan air campuran pasta miso, biarkan mendidih sebentar. Tambahkann shoyu dan aduk rata..
  5. Ini tampilan bahan yang saya gunakan.
  6. Miso soup siap menghangatkan dinikmati yummy 😋.

Making miso soup at home is one of the simplest and most satisfying ways to treat yourself during As Sonoko Sakai explains, classic miso soup is simple and satisfying on its own— but that doesn't. In Japan, miso soup is traditionally served by placing it in a small bowl and sipped without a spoon. To eat the solid ingredients in miso soup, the bowl is cradled in one hand, while chopsticks are used to. Choose the method that fits your time available! While miso soup's taste may be enough to make people love it, it is not the only thing to appreciate about it.

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