Miso Soup In a saucepan, combine the water and kombu. Bring to a simmer, uncovered, over medium heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, add the bonito flakes and immediately remove.

Bahan Membuat Miso Soup

  1. It's 1/2 of tahu potong kecil2.
  2. You need iris of daun bawang.
  3. It's of rumput laut kering.
  4. Prepare of kaldu dashi 1/² sachet atau lebih.
  5. You need 1 sdm of miso paste.
  6. It's 1 gelas of air.

Langkah Memasak Miso Soup

  1. Rebus air sampai didih, masukan dashi dan miso paste. aduk sampe miso paste menyatu dgn air.
  2. Masukan tahu dan daun bawang. didihkan sebentar..
  3. Masukan rumput laut kering dan matikan kompor.. biarkan rumput laut mengembang dan nikmati selagi hangat.

In Japanese food culture, Miso soup is a representative of soup dishes served with rice. Miso soup is a quick, easy, and light soup and is a staple of Japanese cuisine. This basic recipe is a simple vegetarian and vegan version of the classic miso soup you'll find served in Japanese restaurants and sushi restaurants along with just about everything. Miso soup is the main item in a Japanese breakfast and is usually eaten with rice, eggs, fish, and pickles. The soup is also served for lunch or dinner with more complex garnishes.

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