Bokcoy Miso Sup / Bokcoy Doenjang Guk Add dwenjang through the wire strainer in the pot. break the dwenjang with a wooden spoon, then discard any remain dwenjang inside of wire strainer. Bring the dwenjang soup to boil. Add the bok choy, garlic, and dried shrimps.

Bahan Membuat Bokcoy Miso Sup / Bokcoy Doenjang Guk

  1. It's 3 sdm of miso (pasta kedelai/doenjjang korea).
  2. It's 1-2 sdm of pasta cabe/gochujang.
  3. You need 1 sdm of tepung terigu.
  4. Prepare 1/2 buah of tofu.
  5. Prepare 2 ikat of bokcoy.
  6. Prepare 3 of bawang putih cicang.
  7. You need 3 cup of air kaldu.
  8. Prepare 1 buah of cabe ijo besar.

Langkah Memasak Bokcoy Miso Sup / Bokcoy Doenjang Guk

  1. Didihkan kuah kaldu masukkan 3 sdm pasta kedelai, pasta cabe dan tepung terigu.
  2. Masukkan bokcoy, didihkan selama 5 menit.
  3. Tambahkan tahu, cabe ijo dan bawang putih cek rasa.
  4. Sop miso siap disajikan hangat dengan nasi.

At home, Choi suggests using a small amount of doenjang in a dressing with sesame oil, garlic, and. If you love Korean food, Doenjang Jjigae is one of your must try! 🙂 My mom has been visiting me from Christmas and I made Doenjang Jjigae for her almost every morning. Doenjang is essential in Korean cuisine, and every Korean home has it all year round along with other staple condiments such as gochujang (fermented chili pepper paste). Its deep, rich flavor is created by several months of fermentation and aging. Doenjang is traditionally homemade, but there are many commercial brands available at Korean markets.

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