Miso soup In a saucepan, combine the water and kombu. Bring to a simmer, uncovered, over medium heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, add the bonito flakes and immediately remove.

Bahan Membuat Miso soup

  1. You need 2 buah of tofu potong dadu.
  2. You need 2 sdm of wakame kering.
  3. Prepare 1 tangkai of daun bawang potong 1cm.
  4. You need 1 liter of air.
  5. You need 3 sdm of miso.
  6. You need Sedikit of garam.

Langkah Memasak Miso soup

  1. 1.seduh wakame dgn air panas,tiriskan.larutkan miso dgn sedikit air panas,sisihkan..
  2. 2.didihkan air di panci,masukan miso,aduk rata,masukan dashi,aduk rata.
  3. 3.masukan wakame,aduk rata,koreksi rasanya,jika msh krg asin tambahkan sedikit garam.
  4. 4.jika rasa sdh pas masukan tofu,aduk pelan2,masukan daun bawang,aduk rata,angkat dan sajikan hangat..

In Japanese food culture, Miso soup is a representative of soup dishes served with rice. Miso soup is a quick, easy, and light soup and is a staple of Japanese cuisine. This basic recipe is a simple vegetarian and vegan version of the classic miso soup you'll find served in Japanese restaurants and sushi restaurants along with just about everything. Miso soup is the main item in a Japanese breakfast and is usually eaten with rice, eggs, fish, and pickles. The soup is also served for lunch or dinner with more complex garnishes.

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