Vegan Miso Soup (Kuah Soya) 😁 The live bacteria will not exist in dried packets. Made with vegan-friendly kombu dashi, this authentic Japanese Vegan Miso Soup filled with tofu and wakame, seasoned with delicious miso paste! One of the common myths many people have when it comes to miso soup is that it's not vegan or vegetarian-friendly because dashi, Japanese stock, is.

Bahan Membuat Vegan Miso Soup (Kuah Soya) 😁

  1. You need of Susu Kedelai Tidak Manis/Unsweeted.
  2. Prepare 2 Kotak of Tahu.
  3. You need of Jamur Tiram.
  4. Prepare of Bakso Jamur.
  5. It's secukupnya of Daun Bawang.
  6. It's 2 siung of Bawang Putih cacah halus.
  7. You need secukupnya of Garam & Merica.

Langkah Memasak Vegan Miso Soup (Kuah Soya) 😁

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahan, susu kedelainya aku pake Merk Soylicious..
  2. Tumis Bawang Putih yang sudah dihaluskan hingga harum. Masukan Susu Kedelai sesuai selera dan tambahkan air jika ingin tidak pekat. Tunggu hingga agak mendidih..
  3. Masukan Tahu, Jamur, Bakso Jamur dan Daun Bawang sesuai selera..
  4. Tunggu sampai meresap (+/- 5 menit)..
  5. Miso soup siap disajikan selamat mencoba..

Miso soup has always been a favorite of mine when going out to eat growing up. If it was on the menu, you better believe I was going to order it. Nourishing vegan recipe with tofu, greens, and seaweed. Craving soup in the summer but don't want to heat up your whole dang house by boiling things on the stove? Miso soup is going to be your lifeline.

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