Dark miso is better for longer cooking dishes like stews, soups and braises. Miso should be stored in the refrigerator, tightly sealed, where it will retain its quality for a long time - more than a year. Miso soup is one of my favourite dishes to order when I go out for Japanese food.
Bahan Membuat Miso soup tanpa pasta miso
- You need of Tahu 2 buah (atau jika ada egg tofu lebih enak) potong dadu kecil.
- It's of Daun bawang.
- It's of Garam.
- Prepare of Gula.
- Prepare of Kaldu jamur.
- It's 200 ml of Susu uht.
- Prepare of Nori / rumput laut kering kemasan (saya pakai paldo yang ada gambar pororonya karena komposisinya aman buat anak).
- It's of Ikan tuna, fillet tipis2.
- It's 750 ml of Air.
- Prepare of Bawang putih 1 siung, cincang.
Langkah Memasak Miso soup tanpa pasta miso
- Rebus air hingga mendidih, lalu masukan tofu yang sudah dipotong dadu..
- Lalu masukan ikan tuna fillet, dan susu uht..
- Tambahkan garam, kaldu jamur, gula, bawang putih cincang yang sebelumnya sudah di goreng terlebih dahulu..
- Masukan daun bawang dan nori yang sudah diiris-iris. Tunggu sebentar hingga mendidih dan terlihat kuah mirip miso soup..
- Angkat, sisihkan. Ketika menyajikan tambahkan Nori lagi..
This is a good basic miso soup. I always use Shiro Miso, which is a white miso (less salty) than the Aka Miso, red miso paste. Some people also like to mix both for more bolder flavor. To whisk in the miso paste, I normally hold two spoons, with the miso paste in the first spoon and using the other spoon to mash the paste into the water. Miso soup 味噌汁 is a warm and comforting Japanese soup prepared with a soup stock (Dashi) and miso paste.
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