Miso soup simpel It's easy to do at home! Perfect for an appetizer or light, warming lunch. Let's take a look at this savory Japanese miso soup recipe with an elusive flavor.

Bahan Membuat Miso soup simpel

  1. It's 1 buah of tahu kotak (sudah dipotong dadu kecil).
  2. It's of Wakame secukupnya(rumput laut kering).
  3. It's 1 sdt of dashi(kaldu ikan bubuk).
  4. Prepare 1 sdm of pasta miso.
  5. Prepare 2 gelas of air matang.
  6. You need Sejumput of garam himalaya.

Langkah Memasak Miso soup simpel

  1. Pertama rendam wakame didalam air matang biarkan 5menit hingga mengembang. Sudah mengembang angkat dan potongĀ² kecil..
  2. Masukan air kepanci, masukan kaldu ikan,pasta miso,garam himalaya,tahu yang sudah dipotong dadu kecil dan juga wakame.lalu cek rasa.
  3. Rasa sudah mantap lalu hidangkan beri daun bawang diatasnya..
  4. Selamat mencoba.

Miso is my preferred soup whenever we go out for Chinese or anything Asian. Wonton soup is pretty good, too, though. I haven't had Miso in a few weeks, I'd say if I had to take a guess. Reply A common feature of eating sushi at Japanese restaurants is the steaming bowl of miso soup served at the beginning of a meal. The savory, light broth warms your body, and opens up your appetite for the meal to come.

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