Salmon Miso Soup✨ Marinated in a sweet and savory miso sauce, this Miso Salmon recipe makes a delicious weeknight meal. Enjoy with Japanese ginger rice! "SALMON miso soup" I will introduce today is kind of "Ishikari Nabe-style"! If you are tired of usual salmon dish, please try this recipe!

Bahan Membuat Salmon Miso Soup✨

  1. Prepare of Bumbu Aroma & Perasa.
  2. You need 5 siung of bawang putih.
  3. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe.
  4. Prepare of Daun Bawang.
  5. Prepare of Garam Gula.
  6. Prepare 50 gram of Pasta miso (beli di tokopedia yang halal).
  7. It's of Isian.
  8. You need 500 gr of Salmon (bagian belly lebih enak).
  9. Prepare of Sawi putih.
  10. Prepare of Tofu.
  11. Prepare of Jamur shirataki.
  12. It's of Jamur shitake.
  13. Prepare of Udon instan (merek Orient).
  14. Prepare of Tetelan / kepala salmon.

Langkah Memasak Salmon Miso Soup✨

  1. Siapkan air 600 ml dan masukkan kepala salmon/tetelan salmon. Rebus hingga kaldu keluar. Matikan kompor.
  2. Sambil menunggu kaldu siap, potong-potong semua bahan isian sesuai selera..
  3. Cacah halus bawang putih dan jahe. Potong-potong daun bawang tipis-tipis. Tumis menggunakan minyak secukupnya. Setelah wangi, masukkan ke rebusan..
  4. Setelah kaldu siap, masukkan semua bahan sayur dan protein, lalu didihkan..
  5. Ambil sedikit air kaldu untuk melarutkan pasta miso.
  6. Masukkan air pasta miso dan bumbu saset di dalam kemasan udon ke dalam rebusan.
  7. Didihkan sampai semua bahan matang lalu taburkan potongan daun bawang.
  8. Salmon miso soup siap di santap✨.

Similar to a fish stew, this deliciously silky, savoury miso soup uses savoury Japanese flavours and seasonings, as well as. Do not boil miso soup as the high heat may cause fermentation and indigestion, so all you need to do is to dissolve the miso paste in hot stock and then stir it into the soup pot - quick and easy! The main ingredients are fish scraps. Salmon belly strips, which are fantastic grilled, are also delicious in soup. They are cheap but taste so luscious.

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