Source: Nutrient data for this listing was provided by.
Mozzarella is now also made predominantly from cow's milk and is made all over Italy as well as in Mozzarella is sold in rounds about the size of a small fist.
Because it has no rind it's packed in plastic..(hotdog krompir) #HotTang mozzarella omaka (hotdog krompirjev) #Hottang (hotdog krompirjev) (hot dog krompirjev) #Hotang barbiekiu sir #Hottang aka krompirja klobase #Hottang preprosto.
Bahan Membuat Hottang Mozarella
- Prepare 250 gr of tepung terigu.
- It's 2 sdm of tepung maizena.
- Prepare of Penyedap masakan.
- You need 200 ml of susu uht.
- You need 1 butir of telur.
- It's 2 buah of kentang.
- Prepare of Sosis.
- You need of Keju mozarella.
- It's Tusuk of sate.
- It's of Tepung panir jagung.
Langkah Memasak Hottang Mozarella
- Buat adonan dengan cara mencampur tepung terigu.tepung maizena, penyedap masakan dan telur.
- Tambahkan susu uht. Aduk aduk hingga kalis..
- Kupas kentang dan potong" dadu kecil (opsional). Lalu rebus kentang. Bila sudah matang, tiriskan..
- Potong" sosis dan keju mozarella. Lalu tusuk dengan tusuk sate..
- Balur sosis dan mozarella dengan adonan. Lalu balurkan pada irisan kentang. Dan balur lagi pada tepung panir jagung..
- Setelah itu, goreng pada api kecil..
- Sajikan hottang bersama saus sambal..
We attended both Mozzarella on Padma st and Mozzarella by the sea. They have the same menu, but the vibe is totally different. Finde was du suchst - köstlich & originell. Jetzt ausprobieren mit ♥ ♥. Mozzarella corn dog / mozzarella stick.
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