It goes so well in Sayur Lodeh, soaking up all that umami goodness while simmering over the stove. Sayur lodeh is a popular vegetable in coconut milk soup in Indonesian cuisine. Common ingredients are young jackfruit, eggplant, chayote, melinjo, long beans, tofu, tempeh all cooked in coconut milk soups and sometimes enriched with chicken or beef stock.
Bahan Membuat Sayur Lodeh Fiber Cream
- You need 100 gr of Kecambah.
- It's 1 Buah of Terong Ungu.
- You need 2 Kotak of Tahu Putih.
- It's 8 sdm of Fiber Cream.
- You need of Gula.
- Prepare of Garam.
- Prepare of Penyedap Rasa.
- You need of Minyak Goreng.
- You need Secukupnya of Air.
- You need of Bumbu Halus.
- It's 5 Siung of Bawang Merah.
- Prepare 3 Siung of Bawang Putih.
- You need 10 Buah of Cabe Rawit.
- Prepare 4 btr of Kemiri.
- Prepare 2 Ruas of Kunyit.
- You need 1 Ruas of Kencur.
- Prepare 1 Ruas of Jahe.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of Ketumbar.
- It's of Bumbu Pelengkap.
- Prepare 1 btg of Sereh (Memarkan).
- Prepare 2 Ruas of Jahe (Memarkan).
- It's 1 lbr of Daun Salam.
- It's 2 lbr of Daun Jeruk.
Langkah Memasak Sayur Lodeh Fiber Cream
- Cuci bersih sayuran dan bumbunya. Terong potong bulat-bulat tanpa dikupas. Sisihkan bumbu pelengkap. Sayiran yang dipakai sesuai selera ya Bun...😉.
- Cuci bersih tahu lalu potong dadu. Goreng 1/2 matang. Sisihkan..
- Haluskan bumbunya dengan blender. Bisa juga diuleg..
- Siapkan Fiber Cream dan wadah. Ambil 8 sdm Fiber Cream. Larutkan dalam 300 ml Air (3-4 sdm Fiber Fiber Cream dilarutkan dalam 150 ml Air). Di kemasan ada petunjuknya. Aduk rata hingga tidak ada yang menggumpal..
- Panaskan sedikit minyak. Masukkan bumbu halus, tambahkan daun jeruk, daun salam dan sereh. Aduk rata. Tumis hingga harum..
- Masukkan terong lalu aduk rata. Kemudian masukkan tahu goreng..
- Aduk rata. Ambil larutan Fiber Cream lalu tuangkan dalam tumisan..
- Aduk rata. Tambahkan gula dan garam..
- Jangan lupa tambahkan penyedap rasa. Aduk rata. Tunggu hingga mendidih dan terong 1/2 matang. Koreksi rasa. Lalu masukkan kecambah..
- Aduk rata. Jika air kurang bisa ditambah secukupnya. Masak hingga kecambah agak lunak. Koreksi rasa sesuai dengan selera..
- Siap disajikan. Selamat mencoba 🍀.
My mom thought me how to cook this. It's her BFF's recipe and they used to cook it every other day back in college. In Singapore, Lontong is a dish itself - where the rice roll is cut up into bite-sized pieces and served in a coconut vegetable stew; similar to Sayur Lodeh, and topped with sambal and toasted coconut. However, Lontong is actualy the term most familiar internationally referring the Rice Roll only. My daughter loves to make sajoer lodeh with green beans.
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