This Sayur Lodeh is one of them and very popular in Java region.
It is usually made from different kind of vegetables like eggplant, young jackfruit (nangka muda), Gnetum gnemon (melinjo), chayote (labu siam), long beans (kacang panjang), carrots, etc.
Sayur Lodeh is a healthy vegetable dish that incorporates different varieties of vegetables.
Bahan Membuat Sayur Lodeh
- It's of Saur asem (1 bungkus).
- You need 2 buah of Kentang.
- Prepare 1 buah of Terong.
- You need 1 buah of Wortel.
- Prepare of Kol setengah.
- Prepare of Santan kara 1 (yang 65ml).
- It's of Bumbu bumbu :.
- Prepare of Bawang merah 2 siung.
- Prepare of Bawang putih 1 siung (yang besar ya, kalo kecil 2 siung).
- It's 3 buah of Cabai merah.
- You need 3 buah of Cabai rawit.
- Prepare 1 lembar of Daun salam.
- It's 1 ruas of Lengkuas.
- Prepare 1/4 SDM of Gula.
- You need secukupnya of Garam.
- Prepare secukupnya of Penyedap.
Langkah Memasak Sayur Lodeh
- Iris semua bumbu", kecuali lengkuas dan salam, lengkuasnya di geprek ya.
- Rebus air hingga mendidih, masukan sayur" yang keras (melinjo, labu, wortel, kentang).
- Lalu dirasa sudah mulai empuk, masukan bumbu irisan tadi, dan lengkuas serta salam hingga harum.
- Jika sudah tercium harum, masukan sayur" yang mudah layu (kol, terong, dan daun melinjo).
- Beri garam, penyedap, dan sedikit gula..
- Masukan santan kara,.
- Jika dirasa sudah mantul, alias mantap betul, matikan api dan sajikan 🤤🤤.
Sayur lodeh is Indonesian vegetable stew in coconut milk. Like its cousin, sayur asem, sayur lodeh has no fixed rules on which vegetables to use. As long as you have the ingredients to prepare the spiced coconut milk broth, you can create your own version of lodeh from an assortment of vegetables you have in your home. Sayur Lodeh Preps: Chop all the spice blend ingredients and add them to the blender, except the chilli powder. Combine coconut milk and water to form "thin coconut milk".
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