Sambal terasi ("shrimp paste chili sauce") is usually served separately. In Malaysia and Singapore, when sayur lodeh is served with. Sayur Lodeh Originally a Malay dish, this curry vegetable stew is now enjoyed by the different races of Singapore.
Bahan Membuat Sayur lodeh
- You need of Bumbu halus.
- You need 2 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare 1 siung of bawang merah.
- It's of Garam.
- Prepare of Lengkuas.
- It's of Bahan lainnya.
- Prepare 1 buah of terong.
- You need 1 buah of waluh besar.
- You need 2 buah of jahung.
- You need of Daun tangkil.
- You need of Melinjo.
- You need 1/2 papan of Tempe.
- It's peras of Santan.
- Prepare of Garam.
- It's of Royko.
Langkah Memasak Sayur lodeh
- Cuci semua bahan. Haluskan bawang merah putih & garam. Panaskan minyak.oseng hingga matang & harum tambah lengkuas geprej.
- Masukan jagung Dan melinjo oseng sebentar. Tambah kacang panjang. Tambah air sedikit.
- Masukan perasan santan, tambah bumbu lalu koreksi rasa.
Sayur lodeh is Indonesian vegetable stew in coconut milk. Like its cousin, sayur asem, sayur lodeh has no fixed rules on which vegetables to use. As long as you have the ingredients to prepare the spiced coconut milk broth, you can create your own version of lodeh from an assortment of vegetables you have in your home. Sayur Lodeh Preps: Chop all the spice blend ingredients and add them to the blender, except the chilli powder. Combine coconut milk and water to form "thin coconut milk".
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