Historically, red velvet cake was just chocolate cake tinted red from the acid in cocoa powder, not from food coloring.
Nowadays most cocoa powders are alkalized, as in stripped of acid.
Look for a non-alkalized one for this old-fashioned recipe.
Bahan Membuat Red Velvet Cake ala tintin rayner
- You need 250 gram of unsalted butter/ minyak sayur.
- Prepare 250 gram of gula pasir.
- It's 2 butir of telor.
- It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
- It's 1 sdm of pewarna merah.
- Prepare 2 sdt of ekstrak vanilla.
- You need 1 cup of buttermilk (me: 250 ml susu hangat + 2 sdt lemon).
- Prepare 120 ml of seduhan kopi (me: 1 sachet 2 gr Nescafe classic).
- Prepare 280 gram of tepung terigu kunci/ pro rendah.
- It's 2 sdm of Cocoa powder.
- It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
- You need 1 sdt of baking soda.
- You need 1 sdt of cuka dapur.
- You need of Creamcheese frosting.
- You need 250 gram of creamcheese suhu ruang.
- It's 100 gram of unsalted butter.
- You need 150 gr of whip cream bubuk+ 300 ml air es (atau 300 whipcream cair).
- You need 2 sdm of SKM.
Langkah Memasak Red Velvet Cake ala tintin rayner
- Mixer : butter/minyak, gula, telor, garam, sampai warna telur memucat.
- Tambahkan pewarna, vanilla, buttermilk, seduhan kopi.
- Tambahkan tepung, Cocoa, BP. Mixer sampai rata.
- Campurkan soda kue dan cuka, aduk rata. kemudian mixer asal rata saja. Tips: setelah cairan dituangkan, sebaiknya secepatnya dimasukan ke dalam oven.
- Bagi adonan menjadi tiga bagian, kemudian masukkan ke dalam tiga loyang sama rata (tips utk menghindari adonan bantat)..
- Panggang menggunakan oven (yg sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu) dengan panas180 derajat celciusselama 20-25 menit.
- Utk creamcheese frosting : mixer butter dengan creamcheese sampai lembut, lalu tambahkan SKM. Sisihkan. Kemudian mixer whip cream bubuk dengan air es, sampai mengembang dan kaku. Tambahkan campuran creamcheese dan butter yang sudah lembut tadi. Kocok dengan kecepatan rendah hingga tercampur rata. Kalo belum diaplikasikan, simpan dulu di lemari es.
Typically, a red velvet cake is topped with a cream cheese-based frosting rather than a chocolate frosting, says Knorr, so that's the most obvious difference between the desserts besides the color. Red Velvet Layer Cake is a classic! This version is super moist with just the right amount of tang! I wanted to eat the whole thing. This Red Velvet Cake is based off of the Moist Vanilla Cupcakes I shared with you a couple weeks ago.
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