The thymus (plural: thymi) is a T-cell producing lymphoid organ in the anterior mediastinum that plays a role in the development of the immune system, particular the maturation of T-cells.
Pilus definition is - a hair or a structure (as on the surface of a bacterial cell) resembling a hair.
Recent Examples on the Web Maybe each of those growths, known as a pilus, was actually a wire.
Bahan Membuat Timus or Pilus
- You need 400 grm of ubi kuning/aq timbang stlh di kupas.
- Prepare 1 sdm of margarin.
- It's 5 sdm of tepung terigu.
- You need 3 sdm of tepung beras.
- It's 3 sdm of gula pasir.
- Prepare 3 sdm of susu bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Timus or Pilus
- Kukus Ubi,kira2 sampai 15 menit.
- Stlh di kukus,haluskan....
- Stlh di haluskan... Tambahkan margarin,tepung beras n terigu jg gula pasir n susu bubuk... Campur rata Dg tangan.
- Lalu bentuk sesuai selera... Aq bentuk lonjong....
- Stlh semua terbentuk... Panaskan penggorengan.... Goreng Dg api kcl aja,spy dlmx matang.
- Alhamdulillah matang jg.
- Enak Dan Pastinya Bikin Kenyang๐๐๐.
What is the singular of Pili? pilus. How many fimbriae do bacteria have? They vary in number and distribution. How many pili to bacteria cells have? They are limited to one or two.
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