How to make sushi at home, plus seven easy sushi roll recipes you have to try like Spicy Tuna Rolls, Dragon Rolls, Avocado Mango Rolls, Eggplant Dragon Rolls and Totoro Inari Sushi.
For sushi beginners, my formula is to start with California roll and tempura roll, then move to smoked salmon sushi, and at last try tuna sushi.
You can leave uni, taco , awabi (abalone), tobiko and eel for the next visit.
Bahan Membuat Simple Sushi Roll & Miso Soup
- It's of Sushi Roll.
- It's of Beras Jepang atau bisa pakai beras biasa yang dikasih sedikit beras ketan.
- Prepare of Nori & cuka sushi.
- Prepare of Timun Jepang, telor gulung, alpukat, wortel.
- You need of Miso Soup.
- Prepare of Kaldu daging.
- You need of Tauge.
- It's of Tahu.
- You need of Pasta Miso.
- Prepare secukupnya of Lada & garam.
Langkah Memasak Simple Sushi Roll & Miso Soup
- Masak nasi hingga matang, kemudian tuangkan cuka sushi secukupnya..
- Siapkan tikar yang khusus untuk menggulung sushi, taruh nori, kemudian ratakan nasi, kemudian taruh isianya, kemudian roll sambil ditekan-tekan agar gulunganya rata. Sajikan dengan acar jahe & soy sauce..
- Untuk membuat miso soup, didihkan kaldu daging sapi, kemudian masukkan pasta miso, tauge, tahu, lada & garam secukupnya. Sajikan selagi panas.
Sushi roll (or roll sushi for Japanese) is a unique Westernized version of the Japanese maki sushi (or maki zushi). Like the maki sushi, it usually involves "rolling" the rice and nori using a makisu. Unlike in Japan, however, these have gone beyond the traditional Japanese maki sushi by changing the filling, adding toppings, finding alternatives to nori, and even flipping it inside out. Each sushi bar has their own rendition of rolls and have the right to change the ingredients. I will do my best to provide you with the most common ingredients and their variations for each roll. **Some of the recipes listed below will use one or more sauces.
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