Miso Soup or Misoshiru (味噌汁) is a Japanese soup that can accompany a bowl of rice for any meal of the day, however, it's a staple of Japanese.
Miso soup doesn't take me too long to make.
There are so many vegetables you can add in miso soup such as shiitake mushroom, daikon, other mushrooms, leafy greens, etc.
Bahan Membuat Miso Soup 🍜
- It's of 🍜 Bahan Utama:.
- It's 1 pack of Tahu putih (potong dadu).
- Prepare 20 g of Wakame (rumput laut kering).
- It's of 🍜 Bumbu:.
- You need 3 sdm of Soy sauce.
- You need 1 sdm of Dashi (kaldu ikan).
- It's 2 sdm of Pasta miso halal.
- Prepare 1,5 L of Air.
- It's 1 helai of Daun bawang (iris).
Langkah Memasak Miso Soup 🍜
- Didihkan air, tambahkan soy sauce dan dashi. Koreksi rasa..
- Masukan tahu potong, rebus hingga matang. Tambahkan wakame..
- Kecilkan api, masukkan pasta miso sambil dilarutkan dengan cara menekan-nekan dengan bantuan sendok agar tidak menggumpal..
- Setelah larut, matikan api dan sajikan dengan taburan daun bawang..
Pour over dissolved miso into the pot. Turn back the heat and warm up the soup, right before it boils. Making miso soup at home is one of the simplest and most satisfying ways to treat yourself during As Sonoko Sakai explains, classic miso soup is simple and satisfying on its own— but that doesn't. Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people. They can have it anytime of a day.
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