Miso soup (味噌汁, misoshiru) is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a dashi stock into which softened miso paste is mixed.
In addition, there are many optional ingredients.
Miso Soup or Misoshiru (味噌汁) is a Japanese soup that can accompany a bowl of rice for any meal of the day, however, it's a staple of Japanese.
Bahan Membuat Kerang Miso Soup
- You need 200 gram of kerang kecil.
- You need secukupnya of Wakame.
- It's 100 gram of Tahu.
- It's 1 sdm of Miso.
- Prepare 1 sdt of dashi.
Langkah Memasak Kerang Miso Soup
- Cuci bersih kerang dengan cara rendam ke dalam air garam selama 1 jam, setelah itu buang dan ganti airnya sekitar 3 kali. Panaskan 2 gelas cangkir air, masukkan kaldu kemudian masak kerang sekitar 5 menit.
- Kecilkan api, larutkan miso.
- Kemudian masukkan wakame dan tahu yang sudah dipotong2. Matikan api dan sajikan.
With a soothing and mild flavor, miso soup is light and "brothy", not the type of soup that is a meal on its own, so serve as Miso soup is a quick, easy and light soup and is a staple of Japanese cuisine. Miso soup is one of the basic components of a Japanese meal. When you have a bowl of rice, miso Many miso soup ingredients are vegetables. There are so many combinations you can make up and. Benefits of miso soup include lower risk of cancer, improved immunity, bone health and nervous system.
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