In a saucepan, combine the water and kombu. Bring to a simmer, uncovered, over medium heat. Ladle miso soup on top and garnish with green onions.
Bahan Membuat Miso Sup
- You need 1 bungkus of tofu.
- You need 2 batang of daun bawang.
- You need 2 lembar of nori besar dipotong2 (atau sesuai selera).
- Prepare 2 sdm of katsuo dashi bubuk.
- You need 500 ml of air.
Langkah Memasak Miso Sup
- Didihkan air 500ml. Masukkan tofu. Rebus hingga mendidih. Matikan api. Masukkan daun bawang, aduk2..
- Masukkan dashi dan nori (bisa jg menggunakan rumput laut basah)..
- Koreksi rasa.
The simplicity of miso soup belies its significance to Japanese cuisine, where it is a common course for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is ubiquitous on Japanese restaurant menus here in the United States, but miso soup is so uncomplicated to prepare that any home cook can make it. This recipe appears in our cookbook Martha Stewart's Cooking School. The base of traditional miso soup is a simple combination of dashi and miso. Dashi is a basic Japanese soup stock, made with dried bonito flakes, kelp and anchovy.
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