Simple and savory homemade miso soup with dashi stock, detailed recipe instructions on how to cook different types of miso soup. Easy miso soup recipe makes with tofu, scallions, and wakame. Many non-Japanese are familiar with miso soup as many Japanese restaurants serve it with rice, salad and the main dish as the bento set.
Bahan Membuat Miso soup 🇯🇵
- It's 1 pack (100 gr) of Jamur enoki.
- It's 1 pack of (230 gr)tofu telur.
- You need 1 bh of daun prei.
- You need 2 sdm of miso pasta (sy pake merek enachan).
- You need secukupnya of Nori/rumput laut kering.
- Prepare of Udang (saya pake udang putih yg sdh di bersihkan).
- It's 2 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare 1 sdt of Kecap asin.
- You need of Garam.
- You need of Merica.
- You need of Kaldu jamur /totole.
- It's of Gula.
- You need of Air.
- Prepare 2 sdm of Minyak goreng.
Langkah Memasak Miso soup 🇯🇵
- Siapkan bahan,potong bawang putih,bersihkan udang putih & jamur enoki dan potongi tahu bentuk kotak,daun prei juga di potong kotak. Ini sebagian bahan yg bisa aq foto..
- Panaskan minyak goreng lalu masukan bawang putih, lalu udang tumis hingga udang berubah warna. Lalu masukan air, masukan miso pasta aduk rata lalu masukan tahu & tunggu hingga mendidih..
- Nah sekarang saatnya membumbui, masukan merica, kaldu jamur, garam, kecap asin. Lalu Periksa rasanya beri air lagi apabila terlalu asin dan beri gula apabila rasa miso pasta nya terlalu kuat..
- Lanjut masukan jamur enoki, daun prei dan rumput laut kering. Periksa rasanya lagi ya & pastikan tahunya sudah matang. Sajikan di mangkuk & selamat mencoba 🥳🥳🥳 oiya kalo makan memang harus di aduk yaa gengs supaya endapan misonya nyatu. 👍👍.
Then, while that's heating up, soak some dried seaweed. Miso Soup is soul food for Japanese people. They can have it anytime of a day. Some people don't mind eating just a bowl of rice and this soup without Depending on what kind of ingredients you put in your Miso Soup, it could be as simple as the one we made here or very filling with meat, potatoes. Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soy-based soup made from a stock called dashi, miso paste, and various additional ingredients such as seaweed or tofu.
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