The dish made its way to Japan where they adapted it to fit their cuisine.
Although miso soup is the most popular, Japanese style egg drop soup has always been my favorite!
Recipe: Miso tamago (Miso marinated eggs) Amounts are given per egg.
Bahan Membuat Miso soup tamago
- You need 1 buah of tofu panjang.
- It's 1 buah of telur.
- It's 1 sdm of rumput laut kering (nori).
- It's 500 ml of air.
- It's 1 sdm of Miso.
- It's 1 sdt of dashi bubuk (kaldu ikan bubuk).
Langkah Memasak Miso soup tamago
- Didihkan air terlebih dahulu,sementara itu potong dadu tofu,rendam rumput laut.
- Setelah mendidih masukan tofu,rumput laut,miso,dashi,terakhir masukan telur,aduk perlahan,setelah telur matang matikan api, angkat dan siap untuk di sajikan.
Miso soup is the most traditional soup in Japan and it's very easy to make at home. Small pieces of tofu are often an ingredient that is added to miso soup.. Japanese rolled omelet is called dashi-maki-tamago or tamagoyaki in Japanese. Tamagoyaki is good for breakfast, in a bento, or a fish-free part of a sushi meal. But Miso Ramen soup is quite rich with a lot of miso, plain dishes will go well with Miso Ramen.
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