Salmon Misoshiru (Salmon Miso Soup) Do not boil miso soup as the high heat may cause fermentation and indigestion, so all you need to do is to dissolve the miso paste in hot stock and then stir it into the soup pot - quick and easy! This simple salmon miso soup is packed with healthy nutrients like protein, unsaturated fats, fiber, and vitamins and minerals! This soup is a nutrition powerhouse!

Bahan Membuat Salmon Misoshiru (Salmon Miso Soup)

  1. You need of Tetelan Salmon.
  2. Prepare Fillet of Salmon.
  3. It's of Jamur Shimeji.
  4. It's of Sawi Putih.
  5. It's of Tahu Putih.
  6. You need of Bahan Kuah Miso.
  7. Prepare of Kaldu Dashi.
  8. You need of Pasta Miso.

Langkah Memasak Salmon Misoshiru (Salmon Miso Soup)

  1. Didihkan air lalu masukkan tahu hingga melunak..
  2. Tambahkan dashi..
  3. Di tempat terpisah, ambil satu sendok pasta miso, lalu ambil air rebusan tahu dan dashi yang masih mendidih. Lunakkan pasta miso hingga nyaris seperti air..
  4. Masukkan pasta miso yang sudah dicairkan ke dalam rebusan kuah. Masukkan jamur..
  5. Masukkan sawi. Tunggu 1-2 menit hingga layu..
  6. Terakhir, masukkan salmon. Masukkan salmon filler terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian tetelan salmon. Tetelan salmon yang masih bertulang dan berkulit adalah kunci supaya sup makin gurih..
  7. Durasi masak bervariasi tergantung preferensi (agak atau sepenuhnya matang), sekitar 2-5 menit..
  8. Hidangkan dengan lembaran nori..

Salmon heads and salmon belly can also be used to make sinigang. Sinigang na Salmon is my favourite soup to have during the winter months. Misoshiru (Miso Soup) Recipe. by Global Cookbook. Quick cooking and super satisfying, salmon fillets are a weeknight slam dunk—and our go-to method for making them is pretty much un-mess-up-able. Place pieces skin side down in a cold—as in not preheated; you don't have to.

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