Miso, typically made from fermented soybeans, is a powerful flavoring in soups. Its rich, salty flavor is highlighted best in miso soup, this hearty version of which is made with a generous amount of ginger and garlic. Recipe courtesy: Lynetta Smith of Citizens Memorial Hospital Try this simple yet delightful recipe for miso soup, made with roasted garlic, kale, and scallions.
Bahan Membuat Garlic Miso Soup
- It's of Isian.
- Prepare 3 blok kecil of tahu putih.
- You need 2 Sdt of Wakame (Dried Seaweed).
- Prepare 1 Sdt of Daun Bawang iris.
- You need of Kuah.
- You need 1 Sdt of Pasta Miso putih aku pake merk Enichan.
- It's 1 Sdt of Bawang Putih Cincang.
- It's secukupnya of Kaldu Jamur/Garam.
- It's of Chili Flakes (opsional).
Langkah Memasak Garlic Miso Soup
- Olesi teflon dg sedikit minyak sayur. Dioles saja jgn dituang supaya bawang tidak gosong. Tumis bawang putih hingga harum..
- Tambahkan air (250ml) dan masukkan tahu putih. Tambahkan sedikit kaldu jamur dan chili flakes. Tunggu hingga mendidih..
- Saat kuah sudah mendidih matikan api. Diamkan sebentar hingga buihnya hilang. Tambahkan Pasta miso dg dioles2 hingga larut menggunakan 2 sendok. Gunakan cara ini supaya pasta miso tidak menggumpal. Oya pasta miso ini asin gaes jd sedikit2 saja yaa melarutkannya..
- Masukan Dried Wakame setelah miso tercampur. Dried wakame ini akan mengembang. Masukkan saat sudah tidak dipanaskan shg kandungan gizi Miso dan Dried Wakame tidak rusak..
- Sajikan dg taburan daun bawang. Nyammm, gampang kan! Selamat mencoba!.
It's a great soup for any time of the year when you're doing your best to avoid colds and 'flu. This Garlic Miso Soup recipe will be the new, 'Chicken Soup', in terms of healing and building the immune system. So when you are feeling under the weather I recommend making a batch of this amazing miso soup to sip on! But the real trick is to keep from getting sick in the first place. Adding this to your meal rotation may be good.
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