Miso Sup Shimeiji Miso soup is not miso soup without dashi. Miso is a fermented seasoning that's typically made from soybeans, koji, and salt. Easy miso soup recipe makes with tofu, scallions, and wakame.

Bahan Membuat Miso Sup Shimeiji

  1. You need 1 bh of labu siam dipotong kotak.
  2. You need 1 pak of jamur shimeiji (kurleb bersih 80 gr).
  3. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih utuh dikeprek.
  4. It's 1 sdt of kaldu jamur / dashi.
  5. You need 11/2 sdm of miso.
  6. Prepare 1 sdt of him.salt / garam secukupnya.
  7. It's 700 ml of air (sy 300 ml kaldu ayam homemade + 400 ml air).

Langkah Memasak Miso Sup Shimeiji

  1. Siapkan bahan2. Panaskan kuah, masukkan labu siam. Masak sampai setengah empuk, masukkan jamur. Masak lagi 3 menit..
  2. Koreksi rasa, angkat, sajikan. Kutabur wijen sangray & rajangan bawang daun (opsional).

Miso soup has always been one of my favorite simple meals. Growing up, we'd have a If I'm feeling like a miso soup lush, I'll go ahead and add some hon shimeji or slippery. Miso soup is very popular in Japan and within the Pacific Region. It has also become a staple meal within the Japanese culture. Korean restaurants serve a similar, but different tasting, soup.

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