Somen Miso Soup Boil enough water for the noodles and the instant soup mix. Then, this Somen Noodles in Creamy Sesame Miso Soup is excactly what you are looking for! It has chili, garlic, ginger, miso, tahini, and peanut butter (no, it's not weird.) It's creamy, rich, aromatic, warm, and has noodles that you can slurp especially on cold days!

Bahan Membuat Somen Miso Soup

  1. You need 200 gr of somen.
  2. Prepare 1 bh of terong ungu.
  3. Prepare 1 sachet of bumbu dashi.
  4. Prepare 1 sdm of miso.
  5. You need 1 ltr of air.

Langkah Memasak Somen Miso Soup

  1. Terong dicuci lalu dipotong2 kotak. Rebus terong bersama bumbu dashi sampai mendidih dan terong layu..
  2. Setelah terong lunak, masukkan somen. Masak sebentar sekitar 2 menit, lalu matikan api..
  3. Masukkan miso ke dalam centong sup, lalu cairkan dengan kuah dashinya. Jika kurang asin, miso dapat ditambahkan..
  4. Angkat, sajikan. Somen harus segera dimakan/dihabiskan, Karena dia menyerap air. Jika kelamaan, nanti kuahnya bisa habis terserap somen..

Koji is a fungus the Japanese use to make many fermented products, such as sake, soy. Everything about it was wonderful; from the flavorful and rich tasting soup, the silky tofu pieces to the creamy and smooth salmon belly. The tantalizing waft hinting of deliciousness coming from the hot soup was simply irresistible. This soup is a nutrition powerhouse! Best of all, miso soups tend to be low in calories, while still providing a ton of nutrients.

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