Pisang Goreng Cheese Pisang goreng ('fried banana' in Indonesian/Malay) is a snack made of plantain, covered in batter or not, being deep fried in hot cooking oil, and is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. Pisang goreng is most often associated with Indonesia, and indeed the country has the largest variety of pisang goreng recipes. However, this fried banana snack is also considered native to.

Bahan Membuat Pisang Goreng Cheese

  1. It's 1 Kilo of Pisang Nipah/Kepok.
  2. You need 150 gr of Tepung beras.
  3. You need 50 gr of Tepung terigu.
  4. It's 50 ml of Santan Kara.
  5. Prepare 1 Butir of Telur Ayam.
  6. You need 1/2 Sdt of Baking powder.
  7. You need 1/4 Sdt of Kunyit bubuk organik/pewarna kuning.
  8. Prepare Secukupnya of Air.
  9. It's 1 Sdm of Gula pasir.
  10. Prepare 1/2 Sdt of Garam halus.
  11. It's of Minyak untuk menggoreng Pisang.
  12. Prepare of 👉 Topping.
  13. You need of Keju diparut.
  14. Prepare of Susu kental manis.
  15. Prepare of Dark Chocolate di Parut.

Langkah Memasak Pisang Goreng Cheese

  1. Siapkan semua bahan-bahan..
  2. Kupas dan belah dua Pisang..
  3. Celupkan pisang kedalam adonan tepung..
  4. Panaskkan Minyak gorengkan pisang sampai kuning keemasan dan garing. angkat dan tiriskan.
  5. Letakan Topping diatasnya, hidangkan selagi hangat. Yummy banget 😊.
  6. Enjoy....😘😘😘.

Over here, the topping that is being used is the grated cheddar cheese, and it goes without saying that, the battered bananas are obviously coated with cheese gravy too! Pisang Goreng Cheese Sambal Kicap / Ikan Bakar Delivery hours. What's special about Pisang Goreng Cheese is that the banana fritters are topped with shredded cheese while they are still hot, adding a creamy and cheesy flavor to the fritters. Make your way to Pinana Cheese, a full-of-life kiosk with a snaking line of customers, vivacious drinks and fresh off the fryer pisang goreng. Smear the fritters with a liberal amount of grated cheese and chocolate, the top-selling combo that just bursts with cheesy, crunchy and chocolaty goodness.

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